Your significant other really wants a photographer at the proposal, but you want to keep the whole thing a secret. Is it even possible to make sure the outfits are on point, the proposal is a surprise, and it gets all captured on camera? Never fear, it takes some creativity, but we do this all the time and we’ll help you through the whole thing!
Hey, I’m Enzo and my sister Daniella and I take pictures on Oahu, Hawaii. We’ve shot more than 150 surprise proposals so we know how to make sure you have a great photo session, and how to plan so your significant other is truly surprised!

Typically there are 3 main ways to go about the surprise proposal
Type #1: Fly on the wall
In this type of surprise proposal session your significant other doesn’t even know there is a photographer around at all. You can tell them whatever story you want to get them to the beach in nicer clothes. Some of our favorites that have gone off without a hitch are: wanting to watch the sunrise together on lunar new year, or going to the beach at sunset and then dinner at a fancy restaurant after. However you get them to the photoshoot location, your photographer will be waiting far away with a telephoto lens. You will have spoken over the phone and texted about outfits so the photographer knows what you are wearing and will be able to recognize you. You and the photographer will have arranged ahead of time which area of the beach you’ll do the surprise proposal on, so the photographer will know where to point the camera at a specific time. After the proposal, you’ll tell your significant other about the photographer, and they will come over to introduce themselves and then keep going with the rest of the photoshoot (usually at least 45 more minutes of photos for an engagement session)

Type # 2: A regular photoshoot agreed on together–but your significant other doesn’t know about the proposal
This type of surprise proposal is our favorite, because the girl knows she needs to dress nicer, and getting the proposal up close is easier than through a telephoto lens. We’ve found, though, that this is the type that the girl gets most suspicious about. What guy normally schedules a photoshoot out of the blue? If you are coming to Hawaii on vacation a good way around this is to say that you’ve won a free photoshoot. Typically this session goes like a regular session, but then you will give the photographer an agreed upon signal (Usually the photographer has your significant other turn their back to you, and your significant other thinks you are coming up to give a hug, but instead you get on one knee). The photographer will capture all of the shock and surprise.
Type #3: Benevolent Tourist
This type of surprise proposal is the hardest to pull off, but works well if you and your significant other have agreed to a walk on the beach and a nice dinner after (that way your partner will have to dress up). The photographer and you will have discussed beforehand where you will be walking when you will take a selfie in front of the photographer. The photographer will ask an innocent, “Can I take a picture for you guys?” Then the photographer will distract your significant other while you get on one knee. When your significant other turns around, there you are popping the question and the photographer gets it all on camera. Then you can let your significant other know that you booked an entire photoshoot.

Planning the proposal
When you book a “Surprise Proposal” with us your package includes a 15 minute phone call to plan which type of session you will be doing and to create a game plan for the day of together. After our phone call you’ll receive an email with the game plan we discussed in detail, just so you don’t forget when the day gets closer.
Whatever type of surprise proposal you decide to do, we will make your photo session is stress free and fun so you won’t have to even think about posing at all. Your significant other will be so happy you got such an amazing day on camera and kept it a surprise 🙂
Ready to book your surprise proposal? Follow the link here to choose your date, sign the contract and pay all in one place!
Want to check out some sample galleries before you decide? Check them out on our couples page here.